Read the Wind & Favorable Winds
I was reading through the forums here and there and there seemed to be some confusion on whether Read the Wind and Favorable Winds stack, damage wise. I didn't have anything to do so I thaught I'd test this and try and find an answer.
Skills and Equipment
I used a PvP character, and only the two skills in question. No other skills were used. No other weapon was used.
The Test
The test took place on the Isle of the Nameless, just outside of the Great Temple of Balthazar. I figured a 60 AL target would be a nice target to see the damage capabilities on a caster at the same time.
I fired arrows at the first 60 AL target. When it died, I switched to the second 60 AL target. I believe the targets "ressurect" after 30 seconds. I recorded the readings of 10 kills under the cicumstances of: Normal, only RtW, only FW and finally, both RtW and FW.
The Results
The results highlighted indicate critical hits. These critical hits are consistantly the same throughout each circumstance. For the normal circumstance the critical hit damage was 70. For only Rtw it was 80. For only FW it was 76. This shows that both skills are adding damage correctly.
When I activated Rtw and had FW on me the critical hit damage was 86. This is 16 more than under normal circumstances. The damage bonus from Rtw is 10, the damage bonus from FW is 6, when combined this makes 16. I beleive this tests proves there is no bug with the stacking of the 2 skills.
-Bad Apache